Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare Update

  • I've given Arlen Specter a lot of flak for not being a real Democrat (which he isn't), but this is good stuff from both him and his primary challenger, Rep. Sestak.
  • What a great explanation from Christopher Hayes at the Netroots Nation conference of the healthcare proposals
  • Speaking of healthcare disinformation, "left of the left"?? What the heck? We already gave up single-payer for political expediency, and now we're being told to stick with breadcrumbs. This is honestly infuriating stuff, being told that we're being "wild" compared to the guy in the lawn chair 6 feet away with a Hitler 'stache painted on Obama's face.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Dog Days of Summer...

are finally over. Hopefully the August heat has finally let up and I'm happy to report I am back. August, on another note, has been equally troublesome to healthcare reform in the Beltway. There still are people standing up on the good side of things, though. Although he was quite a pain last July on FISA, I'm really impressed with Sen. Rockefeller on the Ed Show recently. Saying companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield can be co-ops isn't exactly an "enforcer" role to take. It's just changing words around so that nothing happens.