Sunday, July 26, 2009


So, I'm going to try to limit the columnist imitation posts to about 2 per week and try to make this blog more twitteringfacebookoraimupdatish. Speaking of tween talk, during the blogging hiatus, I saw Palin really just talking mavericking it up, yall! with the greatest American, Sean Hannity, somewhere in Real America. Also. They move on to talking about the UPCOMING SCARY SOCIALIST REVOLUTION!!!!!, aka the effects of the stimulus package, and Palin says something to the effect of "If you're in a hole, you just don't dig deeper!". I'm thinking "If you're ignorant of the past 70 years in macroeconomics, you just don't talk about macroeconomics!" Still, up to this point it's just conservative old hat. But all of a sudden, after a quick wave to Putin, Palin says "It just goes against everything you and I have learned in college, Sean." "Mmm..."

Cue cachinnation. The dual images of Sarah and Sean sharing their sweatshirt collections of colleges that they almost graduated from and Palin having the attention span to sit through an actual economics class did it for me. That would be a caption contest frenzy if you think about it. "Well, looks like I win, 3 states to one on the colleges. Unless you count that radio job, Sean. But seriously, New York and California? I mean, what side are you on anyway?"

If you're unfamiliar with the well-documented history of these two, prepare yourselves. We'll start with Hannity, who likes to cruise sans diploma. His dropouts from NYU and Adelphi aren't really the kicker, though. Nine years after his high school graduation, he joined the volunteer radio team at UC Santa Barbara where after less than a year and a sparkling 40 hours of airtime, he was cut for making homophobic remarks and parading an AIDS conspiracy book. He took this amazing new credential by calling himself "the most talked about college radio host in America". Hannity said about his time there, "I was terrible"(what's changed?), but also said it was the left-wing management's fault. It makes you think, does he think he was terrible because he went too far, or becuase he didn't go far enough?

The Barracuda's story, albeit not including a bailout from the ACLU, is still colorful. She chased her childhood dream of becoming a sportscaster by heading off to Honolulu's Hawaii Pacific the business administration program. By spring, she headed off to North Idaho College as a general studies major (a lack of passion is only transcript deep) for two semesters. But things got darker from there when she associated with the dark, anonymous, bored, lying bloggers at her journalism major for a year at the University of Idaho. Disgusted, and apparently nostalgic for nosebleeds, she came to Alaska's Matanuska-Susitna for a semester. Unfortunately, the Republican Party couldn't mail her half a million dollar suitcase in time for the winter, and she went back to UI for graduation and its amazing newspaper and TV stations. Except she didn't really join them. That would be a rub. But hey, I bet she could see the editor from her dorm! After graduation, Palin reportedly attributed her success to saying "thanks but no thanks" to any clubs or associations at any colleges. Of course, we all know that not cutting and running from college, the Oil and Gas commission, your state, and the nation has a pretty liberal bias. So about the economics remark: when she said that the stimulus went against everything she learned in college, what did that mean? Did she pick a particular university, flip a 4-sided coin, mix-and-match, consider each in ideology starting with most conservative? It leaves one to wonder: maybe Palin wasn't lying when she said "Everything I've ever needed to know I learned through sports."

Seriously, this is the problem with conservatives nowadays: hypocrisy. They claim that looking back to the college years is elitism, but then say stuff that uses their education to justify their views. Personally, I don't care what ranking Palin's colleges had. I just think that if she's going to use them to her advantage, they would probably look better as an "I've changed since then" moment than as springboards. Otherwise, floodgates are open.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Ok, I need to slap down suspicions that the break in the blog posts is due to my defection of the party and then hiking on the Appalachian trail, preparing my "bullet box", and electing 40-year-old white supremacists to lead my "young" coalition. Actually, it was more because of my computer's hard drive being severely bugged up and preparing for an outside arrangement for a month that I was gone. As is already clear, I have missed many things since I last left: Obama's Cairo speech, Obama's torture speech, Obama's healthcare speech, the Twitter Iranian revolution, Al Franken's saga to the Senate, Sanford's non-resignation and Palin's real one, strange right-wing violence, the All-Star game, Lance Armstrong, the health care "oh noes!" because of that...that...socialist, Emmy nominations, and Goldman playing the fiddle while America burns, and the deaths at 50 of Michael Jackson and Billy Mays. I have so much more so I'll be blazing away posting all that stuff I should have posted. In the words of Jack Black, I will see you cats on the flip flop later!"